I’m a professor in Scientific Computing and High Performance Computing at Durham University where I work at the Department of Computer Science. I head the Scientific Computing research group and I serve as director of Durham University’s Institute for Data Science.
Via the top menu, you can navigate to sites about my research software and links to some projects I am involved with. You also find some posters and videos as well as supplemental information about some books I have published. Finally, there is a short CV and a brief description of my research philosophy.

- Registration for ISC 2025 is open: isc-hpc.com And the schedule is published, too. Hope to see many of my dear friends in Hamburg. Meanwhile, will be busy with finalising the proceedings. https://isc-hpc.com/
- For junior colleagues: There's a new 3-year fellowship available at the CS department https://durham.taleo.net/careersection/du_ext/jobdetail.ftl?job=25000248&lang=en
- Durham's Chris Marcotte kicks off the last day of #SIAMCSE25 introducing keynote speaker Daniel Kressner.
- SciComp research group social with guests at #SIAMCSE25 in Texas: next time we should check if there are vegetarians among us. But it was very very good.
- Hatem Ltaief feels like a kid in a candy store in our #SIAMCSE25 workshop on double and half precision (and fun). I think it is more of a nightmare for many programmers.