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Peano 4

Peano is a framework for solvers operating on dynamically adaptive Cartesian meshes. It is the base for a couple of further engines or toolboxes for different application areas, while the framework is really only about the mesh management, data storage, distribution and mesh traversal. The latest version of Peano is the 4th generation of the code. It is completely free.

Codes built with Peano


Peano and its extensions are hosted on the gitlab of the LRZ. We do not provide any regular snapshots, but you can always clone the latest version directly from the git:

git clone -b p4

We are happy to give interested users write permissions to the repository such that they can merge their contributions into the public code base.


Peano has a BSD-like license. Clone the code and study the file COPY in the root folder. BSD-like means that you can basically do anything with the code including any commercial use, even if you directly inline code (what you have do if you use Peano’s templates). In return for all the freedom, we’d appreciate if you cited the code when you use it.


Peano realises a relatively strict document-in-the-code paradigm. All the documentation (including tutorials, installation instructions, FAQs, description of the numerics, …) can be generated from the code through doxygen. The resulting documentation is generated after each push and can be found at

If you want to generate the documentation locally, clone the repository and type in

doxygen documentation/Doxyfile

to create the documentation website on your machine.

Citing Peano

While Peano is a plain C++ code, most colleagues use it through its Python API. The API generates a lot of glue code plus a makefile such that Peano can run as stand-alone without any Python dependencies. It also generates a Readme file which clarifies which subcomponents of Peano you have used, where you find information about the underlying algorithmic concepts, and what to cite in this context. The Readme should be your first choice when you search for literature about the software.

If you search for a generic overview paper which describes the fundamental design principles and ideas and provides a first overview, please read the ACM TOMS paper

  author = 	 {T. Weinzierl},
  title = 	 {The Peano software---parallel, automaton-based, dynamically adaptive grid traversals},
  journal = 	 {ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software},
  year = 	 {2019},
  volume = 	 {45},
  number = 	 {2},
  pages = 	 {14}

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  • Took me and two kids an afternoon to build this fake lego set. But eventually we did succeed. Peano, ExaHyPE, ... all are hosted on LRZ's gitlab and free to download.