This is a summary of some upcoming and past workshops. I usually remove the information on past workshops that we organised after a while. Yet, for some of them we wrote articles or blog entries, and some of them have even been featured in newspapers. In this case, I maintain a list of this material.
Upcoming workshops
- Performance Analysis Course
- GPU programming
- Correctness and Debugging 2023 (PhD/PDRA/RSE training)
- C Course 2023 (MSc/PhD/PDRA/RSE training)
Past workshops
Durham HPC Days – Spring 2023
17 May – 19 May 2023
A series of events in one week just before ISC that is centred around HPC technology and research.
Performance Analysis Workshop Series 2023 (PhD/PDRA/RSE training)
20 April – 18 May 2023
A series of five hybrid events discussing various performance analysis tools. The series spans multiple weeks and the participating teams continuously gain a deeper insight into their code base’s behaviour.
DPU Hackathon 2023
16 February – 17 February 2023
A 1.5 day workshop in collaboration with NVIDIA networks which explores the potential of their BlueField architecture.
SYCL’s impact on algorithms, data structures and implementations
26 February – 3 March 2023
A workshop organised under the umbrella of the SIAM CSE 2023 conference. It discusses how SYCL is affected and affects algorithmic design decisions within our codes.
SYCL Practitioners Hackathon
The first Durham SYCL Practicioners Hackathon – a kind of UK SYCL user group meeting – is scheduled for 23 November 2022 as in-person event at Durham’s Department of Computer Science.
ICCS 2022: ExCALIBUR Task Parallelism Workshop
This ExCALIBUR workshop takes place on June 21, 2022, at Brunel University, London, UK, and is co-located with the ICCS – International Conference on Computational Science 2022. It can be attended either as part of the conference or individually. Follow the link above for more details around the workshop and the ICCS link for registration/sign-up information.
ExCALIBUR Performance Analysis workshop series 2021
Under the umbrella of the UK’s ExCALIBUR programme, we organised a series of workshops around performance analysis tools. The lessons learned and the underlying concept are all discussed in our experience report.
ISC High Performance 2018: The power of l(o)osing control – when does a re-implementation of mature simulation fragments with novel HPC paradigms pay off?
In this workshop, we invited developers/researchers around multiple simulation suites which have recently refactored their code massively, rewritten a whole framework, or are proposing new technologies to write software completely from scratch such that it can harvest new machine features. We asked the participants whether this effort was worth it.
My summary of the workshop titled HPC Coding: The Power of L(o)osing Control has been features by the HPC Wire.
ISC High Performance 2016L: Form follows function – do algorithms and applications challenge or drag behind the hardware evolution?
We organised a workshop at ISC HPC 2016 with speakers from various European projects and from various vendors. We discussed to which degree co-design really plays a role when we write new HPC code.
- Summary of the workshop on arXiv
- ISC Workshop Tackles the Co-development Challenge is an article published in HPC Wire that was written about our workshop.

- Had a lot of fun presenting our #ExCALIBUR multigrid work at IMG at KAUST. Looking forward to publish the ideas around DG soon.
- We've just received notice that the paper of our former student Timothy Stokes has made it into the finals of the 10th BGCE Prize @ SIAM CSE25. Looking forward to meet you in Forth Worth and fingers crossed ...
- Enjoyed to serve on the first panel at the DRI retreat in Manchester. Great questions. But also had a hard time: look at the microphone in front of me.
- It was great to be in Durham Cathedral today and see my PhD student graduate. Once again: Congratulations Dr Noble.
- Took me and two kids an afternoon to build this fake lego set. But eventually we did succeed. Peano, ExaHyPE, ... all are hosted on LRZ's gitlab and free to download.