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ExaGRyPE: Numerical General Relativity Solvers Based upon the Hyperbolic PDEs Solver Engine ExaHyPE

ExaGrYPE is an extension to ExaHyPE 2 which in turn is built on top of Peano 4. Peano provides the AMR meshing (as well as all other facilities that we need such as the data management, MPI and multithreading), ExaHyPE 2 provides all the hyperbolic solver tools on top of this, and ExaGRyPE finally tweaks and tailors these generic solvers towards numerical relativity.

The code is introduced in a paper in Computer Physics Communications

title = {ExaGRyPE: Numerical general relativity solvers based upon the hyperbolic PDEs solver engine ExaHyPE},
journal = {Computer Physics Communications},
volume = {307},
pages = {109435},
year = {2025},
issn = {0010-4655},
doi = {},

and the source code is now part of the the standard Peano 4 releases. If you download this code and add ExaHyPE as extension, you can directly reproduce all ExaGRyPE results and build your own ExaGRyPE applications. The code’s documentation holds tutorials and information on this.

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