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I’m a professor in Scientific Computing and High Performance Computing at Durham University where I work at the Department of Computer Science. I head the Scientific Computing research group and I serve as director of Durham University’s Institute for Data Science.

Via the top menu, you can navigate to sites about my research software and links to some projects I am involved with. You also find some posters and videos as well as supplemental information about some books I have published. Finally, there is a short CV and a brief description of my research philosophy.

  • Enjoyed to serve on the first panel at the DRI retreat in Manchester. Great questions. But also had a hard time: look at the microphone in front of me.
  • It was great to be in Durham Cathedral today and see my PhD student graduate. Once again: Congratulations Dr Noble.
  • Took me and two kids an afternoon to build this fake lego set. But eventually we did succeed. Peano, ExaHyPE, ... all are hosted on LRZ's gitlab and free to download.
  • Congratulations to the compute centre next to my alma mater for Blue Lion.
  • One of my favourite application domains (of which I understand next to nothing but for which I write software tools) combines proper science with fantastic pictures: Happy to join this club!