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This is a selection of recent poster that my group has published. It is not a comprehensive list.

Pawel Radtke’s poster for SIAM PP 2022.
Mark’s poster around SmartMPI.
Peter’s DEM poster for SIAM PP 2022.
Peter Noble’s poster as presented at SIAM CSE 2021.
Adam Tuft’s poster that he presented at CIUK 2021.
Michael Bader’s SIAM CSE 2021 poster. It consists of two parts: 1/2 and 2/2.
Charlie Murray’s poster for SIAM PP 2020. This poster consists of two parts: 1/2 and 2/2.

  • Durham's Chris Marcotte kicks off the last day of #SIAMCSE25 introducing keynote speaker Daniel Kressner.
  • SciComp research group social with guests at #SIAMCSE25 in Texas: next time we should check if there are vegetarians among us. But it was very very good.
  • Hatem Ltaief feels like a kid in a candy store in our #SIAMCSE25 workshop on double and half precision (and fun). I think it is more of a nightmare for many programmers.
  • So far maybe my favourite quote at #SIAMCSE25: "Write software. Not too much. Mostly pure functions." by Damian Rouson
  • Please join us for the HPC Days in the week pre #ISC25: