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This is a selection of recent poster that my group has published. It is not a comprehensive list.

Pawel Radtke’s poster for SIAM PP 2022.
Mark’s poster around SmartMPI.
Peter’s DEM poster for SIAM PP 2022.
Peter Noble’s poster as presented at SIAM CSE 2021.
Adam Tuft’s poster that he presented at CIUK 2021.
Michael Bader’s SIAM CSE 2021 poster. It consists of two parts: 1/2 and 2/2.
Charlie Murray’s poster for SIAM PP 2020. This poster consists of two parts: 1/2 and 2/2.

  • We've just received notice that the paper of our former student Timothy Stokes has made it into the finals of the 10th BGCE Prize @ SIAM CSE25. Looking forward to meet you in Forth Worth and fingers crossed ...
  • Enjoyed to serve on the first panel at the DRI retreat in Manchester. Great questions. But also had a hard time: look at the microphone in front of me.
  • It was great to be in Durham Cathedral today and see my PhD student graduate. Once again: Congratulations Dr Noble.
  • Took me and two kids an afternoon to build this fake lego set. But eventually we did succeed. Peano, ExaHyPE, ... all are hosted on LRZ's gitlab and free to download.
  • Congratulations to the compute centre next to my alma mater for Blue Lion.